The Regulation of Indonesia’s “Entertainment Visa” for Foreign Artists

In 2023, the Indonesian government has given convenience to foreign artists entering the Indonesian territory in accordance with their arrival objective. This regulation was first established through the issuance of the Regulation of Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia No. 22 Year 2023 (Permenkumham 22 Year 2023) on Visas and Stay Permits in August 2023. According to the regulation it replaces, for the foreign artists to visit Indonesia should first go through complex procedures before obtaining the visa. Now with the issuance of the “entertainment visa”, some procedures are simplified.

As quoted from the Director General of Immigration Mr.Silmy Karim from the official website, the simplification of procedures was given to elevate Indonesia’s position in the global investment competition, specifically in the creative field. Besides, Mr. Karim also firmly stated that this convenience was issued because of its minimal impact towards the local competition of the same field.

In this article, we will specifically be elaborating the procedures of the Indonesian music & art visa application as regulated by the newly issued Permenkumham 22 Year 2023 for foreign artists coming to Indonesia. We specifically resumed all the regulations related to this “entertainment visa” to help you easily comprehend them.

In its actuality, the “entertainment visa” is not the only visa regulated in the Permenkumham 22 Year 2023. There are also other types of visa regulated in it provided for different objectives and situations. For the entertainment industry purpose, the required visa according to the Permenkumham 22 Year 2023 is the music & art visa.

The music & art visa can further be differentiated according to their frequency of visit; artists can choose between the single and multiple visits visa. The single visit visa is regulated under Article 13 paragraph (1) letter (k) of the Minister Regulation, which says that the visa can be given to foreigners doing musical & artistic activities within the Indonesia territory. However, an exception may apply to artists which activities require them to come to and leave Indonesia several times in a certain period, such as filmmakers. Filmmakers can apply for the same visa that applies for multiple visits in certain period of time, in accordance with Article 15 paragraph (1) letter (j) of the same regulation. Once issued, the visa can used for multiple visits within one, two, or five years.

For artists without any permanent citizenship, or artists holding any travel document other than passports, the artist can apply for the Indonesian music & art visa with Non-Passport Travel Documents, as regulated by Article 14 paragraph (2) letter (f) of the Minister Regulation. Subsequently, Article 14 paragraph (4) explains that the Travel Documents may be in the forms of:

  1. travel document; 2. temporary passport; 3. emergency passport;
  2. titre du voyage; 5. certificate of identity; 6. laissez passer;
  3. other documents alike.

However, it is to be noted that the travel documents other than passport are only applicable for single-visit visa applications. Multiple-visit visas still requires passport for its application.

Simplification is also apparent in the document requirements of visa application for foreign artists. In the Minister Regulation, the music & art application no longer requires artists to include their Indonesian insurance receipt and return tickets in their application. This is unlike what was regulated in its predecessor, Article 18 and 21 of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regulation No. 29 year 2021, now declared inapplicable.

Currently, the documents required for one-time visit visa are generally as follows (Article 19 Paragraph (1) Permenkumham 22 of 2023):

a. Official travel documents that are still valid for at least six months;
b. Proof of guarantee from the guarantor, except for the purpose of tourism, family, transit, business, meetings, purchasing goods, journalistic visits and pre-investment activities;
c. Proof of ability to fulfill the living expenses while in Indonesian Territory;
d. Latest Self-Photograph in color;
e. Other documents explaining the purpose and objectives of visit.

For the artist who will appear at public events, should attach other documents that are fitted to their purpose of entering the territory of the Republic of Indonesia as stated in Article 18 paragraph (2) of the Minister Regulation, for instance an invitation from the event organizer.

According to the official website of Indonesia’s General Directorate of Immigration,, all visa applications can be submitted online through the website After clicking “Apply”, you can choose your country of origin and click the objective of your visit. After clicking the second “Apply” button, you will be directed to a page saying that you are allowed to apply for the visa through a guarantee.

The Music & Art Visa is divided into three categories, which are C7, C7A, and C7B. The following table may help you to identify which visa is required for each certain situation and person.

Every visa above may be put in use within by the latest 90 days since issuance.

In conclusion, every foreign artist has the right to enter the Indonesian territory to conduct music & art activities with visas that are in line with their functions and objectives. Currently, with the simplification of procedures in applying for Indonesian visas, it is to be expected that there would be more musicians & artists showing their works to be enjoyed by fans in Indonesia. It is also a symbol of hope that Indonesia will be a contender in the global arts & music industry.

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